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How a wood stove works 2


The wood stove is much more than a box to hold the wood with good airflow. The materials used throughout the stove are important as well. Not all metals conduct heat as well as others and throughout the years, cast iron has proven to be among the most efficient materials for building these types of units. It is inexpensive, plentiful, recyclable, durable, and lasts for many years. It can also stay warm for a long time after the fire is out, so the residual radiant heat from the unit can maintain the temperature of the room for quite some time.

When the air comes into the unit, it enters the firebox. The firebox is the main part of the unit and most people simply believe that the unit is entirely comprised of cast iron. The truth is that the iron stove can be efficient enough on its own, but it is the insulated bricks that surround the interior that make it more efficient. The bricks hold even more of the heat and keep the wood from simply sitting on the bottom of the unit making airflow easier within the system.

Picture of Alex Wang

Alex Wang

Hi, I’m Alex Wang, the funder of, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes cast iron stoves and castings for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to cast iron stoves and castings from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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